5 Tips for Preventing Bunions From Getting Worse

broken foot

Bunions can affect your daily life and create severe agony. If left untreated, these bony lumps may get worse over time. Five useful suggestions are provided in this article to stop bunions from getting worse. These methods, which include wearing the appropriate shoes, using orthotic devices, exercising your feet, keeping a healthy weight, and thinking about splints and cushioning, can help you manage bunions and slow down their progression. Continue reading to learn how to manage your bunions and have a more relaxed, active lifestyle.

Choose Proper Footwear

It’s essential to wear the proper shoes to stop bunions from getting worse. Choose shoes with a wide toe box so that your toes can stretch naturally. Steer clear of shoes with narrow, pointed toes and high heels since they will crush your feet and aggravate the bunion area. To minimize strain and offer comfort, look for shoes with cushioned insoles and strong arch support. Excellent options include athletic shoes, sandals with adjustable straps, and shoes that are suitable for orthotics. Make sure the shoes are a good fit, giving just enough room without being too loose. You can minimize pain and keep your bunions from becoming worse by wearing the right shoes, which will keep you active and pain-free.

Use Orthotic Devices

To manage and stop the worsening of bunions, orthotic devices can be very helpful. By redistributing pressure on your feet, custom orthotics and shoe inserts provide support where it’s most required. These gadgets can lessen the pressure on your bunion and adjust the position of your feet. Orthotics are available at pharmacies or, for an ideal fit, can be custom-made by a podiatrist. Look for orthotics that provide adequate cushioning and arch support while making your selection. Bunion discomfort can be considerably reduced and its growth slowed down by regularly utilizing orthotic devices in your daily shoes, keeping your feet pleasant and healthy.

Practice Foot Exercises

Maintaining strength and flexibility in the feet through regular exercise is crucial for preventing bunions from getting worse. To enhance muscle tone and joint function, try basic exercises like toe rolls, toe stretches, and toe pick-ups. Stretching techniques, such as gently realigning your big toe, can ease stress and improve your range of motion. Toe curls and resistance band stretches are good workouts for strengthening the muscles around your bunion. To get the best benefits, do these exercises every day. You may prevent your bunions from getting worse, reduce pain, and enhance foot function by including these exercises in your daily routine.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

It’s critical to maintain a healthy weight to stop bunions from getting worse. Being overweight increases the amount of pressure on your feet, which exacerbates the pain and progression of bunions. This tension can be lessened by controlling your weight with a balanced diet and consistent exercise. To promote general health, emphasized consuming a range of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. Include low-impact workouts like walking, cycling, and swimming to be active without overtaxing your feet. Maintaining a healthy weight helps relieve strain on the feet, causing less pain and delaying the development of bunions, all of which contribute to the health of your feet.

Bunion Surgery and Treatment

You may think about having bunion surgery if your discomfort gets too bad and no other treatment works. This treatment, known as a bunionectomy, eliminates the bony bulge and realigns the afflicted joint. When non-surgical treatments are ineffective in relieving discomfort or when bunions interfere with your everyday activities, surgery is typically a viable alternative. See a podiatrist to go over your problems and consider all of your options before deciding to have surgery. Additionally, you could also look into physical therapy. Physical therapy can help increase flexibility and strengthen the muscles in your feet. Understanding your treatment choices allows you to make an informed decision about how to manage your bunions and keep your feet healthy effectively.


In conclusion, bunions can be considerably prevented from getting worse by being proactive. It’s crucial to select appropriate shoes with a roomy toe box and supportive arch. Frequent foot workouts keep your feet strong and flexible, and a healthy weight lessens the strain on your feet. If your bunion pain persists or worsens, seek professional advice for tailored treatment options. You may properly treat your bunions and avoid further difficulties by adhering to these five guidelines.